- Weavings
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- 14" round weaving
14" round weaving
Recycled sari silk, merino wool, alpaca yarn, raw wool, cotton yarn, cotton string, cotton warp and steel hoop.
My weavings are my interpretation of family.
Whether that family are blood relations or that Aunt who was besties with your Nana but not really your Aunt. We are a single string in this woven 'family' which is a subset of a larger and ultimately global community.
The more of these strings that are cut from each of our families the weaker the weaving becomes. BUT weavings can be repaired. No matter how much work that may be is part of the human experience and our survival may depend on our work towards reconciliation and repair to our communities.
A bandage cannot repair a family or a weavings. Certainly not a community. We can. This is what my project #hopeandhealingcanada is attempting to do. Start meaningful conversations within communities that result in acknowledgment and move towards understanding and reconciliation.

The Vessel series. Encaustic sculpture # 1140345( in the form of thin walled vessels of encaustic wax in various dimensions.)
All photos are the property of artist Tracey-Mae Chambers and/or The Queen Bee ( #240884262) |